Reasons NOT to hire an interior designer


The end result will look like the designer, not like me.

A successfully designed space does not have the obvious imprint of the designer but is a reflection of the client’s personality and lifestyle. By listening closely and interpreting what my clients tell me I carefully blend all the elements of the project while avoiding costly mistakes.

Design is a subjective matter of opinion.

EntryThere are certain elements of design that are enhanced by a practiced eye. SCALE and BALANCE are two most important aspects that can go awry. Over the years one of the questions I have most been asked is about the appropriate size of furniture for a room. My experience has been that many people can go into a space and feel that it “just isn’t right” but not know why. Great design is more than subjective.

I’ll have to throw out everything I own.

Part of the fun process of design is analyzing what works and what doesn’t. It’s often helpful to have a neutral party help you clean house. Lots of things can be recycled. Also, many times I have found treasures stashed away that can be used in a new way. Collections especially can express the personalities of the clients involved.

It’s going to cost a lot of money.

There is no doubt that good quality costs money but in the long run a well designed environment pays off in comfort and quality of life. Part of the process of design is to develop a realistic budget and priorities list so you feel completely comfortable with what you are spending along the way. Also, I have clients who have sold their homes faster (and for a larger profit) and in some cases fully furnished because the furnishings were so appropriate to the space.

I’m talented. I know what I want. I can do it myself.

My experience has been that most people have a certain vision of what they want.  As your designer part of what I do is to act as a sounding board for your ideas and expand the possibilities of those thoughts with creativity and my knowledge of products available.  Communicating those ideas to contractors and tradespeople so they come to fruition is an essential talent.  You've heard of the beautiful chair that turns into a three legged stool?

Hiring a designer is a luxury for the rich.

More and more people are becoming aware of how their environment affects their enjoyment of life and their interaction with those close to them. Design shows on TV have certainly made an impact so you can see you don’t necessarily have to spend lots of money to have a beautiful home and office. A thoughtful analysis combined with ideas and inspiration can lead to a successfully designed space.


Coordinating the Details of Construction & Design